I acknowledge that the lineage and practices of East Asian Medicine do not belong to me. As a practitioner of this medicine, it is my duty to hold these practices as sacred and show deep reverence to the original lineage holders of this medicine - the early Daoist shamans, physicians, priestesses and philosophers from which this medicine is rooted. It is an honor and privilege to learn these sacred, ancient healing practices and disseminate them onward to cultivate love and healing for the collective. I humbly do so with the utmost respect and appreciation.


Our health and wellbeing are inseparable from our experience with the systems of power and oppression that determine our access to resources and individualized care.

We must acknowledge the inequities and disparities in our ‘health care’ system (more accurately deemed our sick care system) for minority voices and understand that we are deeply affected by these systems that cause illness, sickness and disease while also being fully present to our innate wisdom and will, and our ability to nourish ourselves in the most optimal ways.

I believe that health and wellbeing is our birthright - intersectional wellness means lifelong health and wellbeing is a right for all sentient beings, all bodies and voices.


I acknowledge the land on which I offer this medicine to my community. The Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood in Portland, Oregon rests on the unceeded territories of the Clackamas, Cowlitz & Siletz tribes, respectively. I offer deep reverence and gratitude to the original stewards of this land and offer these practices in service to the preservation and regeneration of our mother earth for future generations. Thank you.